Building our Goat Farm one day at a time!
Watch our family build our goat farm as we make a lifelong dream come true!
Tales from the Goat Birthing Pen!

Willow is our Nigerian Dwarf doe. She was one of our first goats here at Cotton Bean Goat Farm and holds a very special place in my heart! She kidded on 12/3 for the second time!
Fast forward to 12/3. I hear Farmer Jason shout babies on the ground! I go running and yell who? He said Willow! I get over the fence and see her with twin baby goats. She is talking to them and they are talking back to her. This is the sweetest thing you will ever see or hear! I know it’s not an exciting story but I like these stories. I hate to see our Moma goats in pain or have complications. I am always on edge until they are done and the baby goats are nursing!
Baby Goat Gender Reveal: Willow had twin, unregistered, F1 Mini Nubians. She had a boy and a girl! The little boy will be sold as a bottle baby! I am trying really hard not to want to keep the little girl. She is so colorful and beautiful! On a side note Willow has consistently threw a red baby goat when she kids. She must have some red genetics somewhere. Porter our F6 Mini Nubian Buck is the Daddy. He is the only Blue eyed buck I have and he was the only one close to her.

Sneaky Willow goats delivery!
Willow, her twin Brother and Mom were our first goats here at Cotton Bean Goat Farm. She tolerates humans most of the time.
We knew she was getting close and she has been acting off for the past 24-48 hours which means she got special attention. I’m sure it was more attention than Willow goat wanted but it did come with fig newton treats. We have been doing Willow checks every hour during the day and every few hours at night. Sunday she was off by herself which is unusual for this Nigerian / Kiko / Boer Doe. Her utter looked like it was about to pop so we knew she was close. We went to eat lunch Sunday and guess what we found when our daughter did a Willow check. Our daughter came running in to announce “Willow is having a baby”. I slid on shoes, grabbed our emergency kit and ran to the pasture to be greeted by twins! That sneaky goat had already had her baby goats. I guess it was a text book pregnancy.
Baby Goat Gender Reveal: She blessed us with a solid white doeling and a redish brown colored doeling baby goat. Red Man you are the Daddy goat!
Update 2020: We decided to retain these girls and add them to our Nigerian Dwarf baby goat breeding program. Willow is super heathly and kids with no problems so we expect the same from her girls.
Red Man our 100% Registered Buck and the Daddy of the doelings.