Building our Goat Farm one day at a time!
Watch our family build our goat farm as we make a lifelong dream come true!
Commercial Boer Buck
DOB: March 2019
I knew we would regret not getting registration paperwork but the seller would not let us buy him with paperwork! He Dad is the Terminator so he has some great genetics backing up his pedigree. He is passing it along to his offspring.
This amazing Buck has grown into his job here at Cotton Bean Goat Farms. He wouldn't let a 5 foot fence with hotwire keep him from mating with his girlfriends. lol
May 2020: We have beautiful vader baby goats all over the farm!

Vader's Baby Goats / Offspring

Vader as a Baby Goat aka Growing us Vader!
Vader is our beautiful boer buck that is white in color with black dapples. He is not registered but his father is the famous Terminator. He is out of a set of triplets, born on 2/17/19. They retained the girls and we got Vader at 3 days old. We had to break him to a bottle. He loves to eat so that was not a problem. He grew in the house, by the fireplace, with our F3 Mini Nubian Doe, Denver. He always drank his bottles so much faster than Denver. He would try to take hers and if for some reason she didn’t finish her bottle he was there to drink eat. He would grunt the entire time he drank his bottles.
He is now full grown but still has a sweet and loving disposition to be such a big buck! He is by far my shyest buck. He will not come up and fight for any treats so I have to push the others away to give him fig newton’s.