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Tales from the Goat Birthing Pen!
I'm going to have these baby goats while laying down!
All of Cotton Bean Goat Farm has been waiting on Spectra to kid. She has looked and sounded like she was about to pop for 6 weeks now. We thought she would be the first to go but she actually wrapped up our Mini Nubian Kidding season here at the farm.
Spectra, our registered standard Nubian, decided that she would give birth to triplet, F1 Mini Nubians in the stall that all the goats had been seeking shelter from the storm in last night. She had been laying around for a few hours in this stall, moaning like she is dying, which is normal for her. She is our drama queen! We have been keeping a close eye on her for 6 weeks now. Farmer Jason peeked in on her before we started feeding grain and saw that she was in labor. He came running in to get me. I grabbed our emergency birthing kit and headed out. I hopped the pasture fence just in time to see a beautiful white, petite, doeling born. A few minutes pass and I run in to grab her some molasses water while Farmer Jason stays with her. The pen was too small for both of us and he was already in the stall with her. In the whole 3 minutes I was gone she managed to quickly delivery a second, moon spotted brown, F1 Mini Nubian doeling. I could not believe she did it that quick. A few minutes later she pushed out a huge white, F1, Mini Nubian Buckling who looks just like his Dad, Mozart, our F5 Mini Nubian. I would describe Spectra as huge so we were waiting on a fourth but she was done. She delivered 3 perfectly healthy Mini Nubian baby goats.
We are blessed to have had such a successful Mini Nubian kidding season here at our farm. We had some intense moments as this was our first true kidding season. We learned a ton and I got to use all the knowledge I have been acquiring in preparation for kidding. We are looking forward to next year’s Mini Nubian Kidding season already.
Mozart you are the sire of triplets!