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Skillman's Ariel AR 6*D
Mini Nubian Doe
Born: March 3, 2018
I have a few does that I just connect with. It didn't take Ariel and I long to build a connection. She is a bit reserved but I am her person. She always comes and greets me when I enter the Mini Nubian pasture. She will quietly walk over and lean on me if I don't immediately pet her. She often times lays her head in my lap. I will lean my head against her head and just love on her. She is my girl! It has been very apparent to me as I am doing this write up on her. She is always so close I rarely get a good picture of her. lol
As a Mini Nubian Goat breeder the hardest thing to do is to make cuts. you find as your herd grows you have to occasionally sale some goats. It is sometimes heartbreaking. I know this was heart breaking for Irinia but it was a blessing for me. I wanted to milk our Mini Nubians but with a fulltime job it was almost impossible to find the time to get started. I also wanted to add some stellar milk lines. "All in god's time"!
I began to casually look for a girl or 2 with great milk lines, udder attachments and who was milk stand trained. If they were in milk that was a plus! I really don't like to buy a single goat. I feel like they do better when you bring home or add more than one to a herd. They come into your herd with a friend and it makes the transition easier for them.
Somehow I connected with Irinia Skillman who had some girls she was thinking of letting go. She has a beautiful herd, packed with milk and has done a wonderful job with her Mini Nubian lines. Every goat in Ariel's pedigree has a milk star. If you know anything about ADGA milk star's this is impressive.
After talking with her several times, I agreed to take 2 does in milk and one of their doelings. We would be adding 3 Skillman Mini Nubian's to our herd. I was beyond thrilled! We made the 5 hour trip to Staunton, VA with our truck and trailer to pick up the girls. We got them loaded and another 5 hour trip home. We got them unloaded and in a pen by themselves so they would have some time to adjust and settle in.
Once we felt they had adjusted we let them out with the rest of the herd. They quickly laid eyes on our herd sire, Porter. They were separated by a fence but a fence wasn't going to stop them from dating. The does, Ariel and Cinderella, quickly figured out how to go "Meet" Porter on the other side of the fence. It was love at first MAAAA!
June 2021 Update: We have Skillman's Ariel and Knightwolf's Porter baby goats on the ground. Even our young, small, sneaky Bella doeling decided to date without permission. I am also working on getting our girls dual registered with the MDGA.
Skillman's Ariel AR 6*D's Pedigree - See more Below
Dam: Skillman's Skye AR 5*D DN00808
D Dam: Skillman's Star AR 4*D DN00804
D Sire: SG Old mountain Farm Alton Jay +*B D1670916
Sire: Joyous Farm Le Tigre BN00379
S Dam: Black Mesa Magnum N1694855
S Sire: Wateroo Pound Tur-Beauz Rocket +*B D1456152
Ariel's Dam / Mom, Skye
Ariel's Sire / Dad, Le Tigre
Ariel's Dam: Skillman Skye
Photo Credit: Irinia Skillman, Skillman's Ranch
Ariel's Sire; Joyous Farm Le Tigre
Photo Credit: Irinia Skillman, Skillman's Ranch
Ariel's Extended Pedigree
Sire: Joyous Farm Le Tigre
Mini Nubian Buck

Joyous Farm Le Tigre
Le Tigre in front; his full brother behind. Both were foundation bucks for Irina Skillman’s lines.
Le Tigre Pedigree:
Dam: Black Mesa Magnum
D Dam: Black Mesa Celeste's Carmella AR 5*M
D Sire: Black Mesa Benny's Ricer Rock *B
Sire: Waterloo Pond Tur-Beauz Rocket +*B
S Dam: SG Woody Dog Down Water Wings AR 2*M
S Sire: NC Promiseland Tur Beau +*B

Black Mesa Magnum's
Udder pics
She is a beautiful full size registered Nubian who is a AR 5*M. 91 EEEE. 2014 BMR
Look at Le Tigre’s grand dam.
Black Mesa Celeste’s Carmella 5*M (Carly)
Skillman's Ariel Dam : Skillman's Skye AR 5*D
Ariel's Extended Pedigree
Dam: Skillman's Skye AR 5*D DN00808
Mini Nubian Doe

Skillman's Skye AR 5*D
Picture/Photo credits: Skillman Ranch
Skillman's Skye Dams Pedigree:
Dam: Skillman's Star AR 4*D
D Dam: Skillman's Jill AR 3*D
D Sire: CarrickFergus Ragnar of Gye +B
Sire: SG Old Mountain Farm Elton Jay +*B
S Dam: SG AGS NC Promiseland MG Diva AR 1*M
S Sire: Old Mountain Farm Romeo +BB

Picture/Photo credits: Skillman Ranch

Jill is a Milk star Mini Nubian Doe in three generations. She also has 2 milk star daughters.

Picture/Photo credits: Skillman Ranch
Skye's Dam:
Skillman's Star AR 4*D
Dam's Grand Dam:
Skillman's Jill AR 3*D
Year: 2018
Ariel's Extended Pedigree
Skye's Sire: SG Old Mountain Farm Elton Jay *B
Mini Nubian Buck

Old Mountain Farm Elton Jay +B
Picture/Photo credits: Skillman Ranch
Skye's Sire Jay's Pedigree:
Dam: Skillman's Star AR 4*D
D Dam: Skillman's Jill AR 3*D
D Sire: CarrickFergus Ragnar of Gye +B
Sire: SG Old Mountain Farm Elton Jay +*B
S Dam: SG AGS NC Promiseland MG Diva AR 1*M
S Sire: Old Mountain Farm Romeo +BB