Wow, what a week here at the goat farm in rural Mt. Pleasant, NC. We will have some beautiful Mini Nubian's and Boer goats looking for new pastures at weaning.
Lucy our beautiful blue eyed, bearded, F1 Mini Nubian gave us a set of F2 Mini Nubian Doelings. She had a white one with some brown and black markings and a Brown with white marking who is sporting a beautiful pink nose. The brown one was already delivered when I found her and she just looked up at me like are you going to come love me? They are super sweet and starting to nibble hay already.
Thursday was exciting for us!
First was Penny our shy brown and white F3 Mini Nubain. She gave birth to a set of beautiful twins. We got another brown F4 Mini Nubian doeling with white markings. She reminds me so much of her mom. Her handsome F4 buckling looks just like Dad. He is white with brown and black markings. I am hoping he inherits his Dad's beard. Mozart, our F5 Mini Nubain Buck has a beard that would make any man jealous!
Ellie our beautiful 100% registered, red, boer Nanny gave us our first set of triplets born on the farm. She is such a sweetheart she immediately laid her head on me for comfort during labor. She gave us a 100% registered redish brown colored buckling and a dark brown buckling. We also have the most beautiful, attention commanding, dark chocolate brown doeling. She is nursing all three with no problem. She is a champion Nanny goat and I am hoping her daughter inherits her mothering skills.
Camo is a F5 Mini Nubian with the most unique coloring I have ever seen. In the boer world she looks like a tiger daple. She did give us a scare and a beautiful set of F5 Mini Nubian Twins. You can read her birthing story on the blog for all the details of her complicated labor. Her first born was another clone of his Dad, Mozart, who is a F5 Mini Nubian. This F5 Mini Nubian buckling is white with black and brown markings. Then came our beautiful F5 Mini Nubian Doeling. She was a shot gun delivery with no pushing required. Maybe that means her buckling brother was a big boy! lol
Below are some pics of the Nanny Goats, Bucklings, Doelings and Mini Nubian Buck Mozart!