How much do baby goats eat? That depends on a lot of things. What breed is your baby goat, how much does your baby goat weigh, is it being supplemented or is this your babies only source of food, does your baby goat over eat if allowed?
We do feed whole cow's milk from the grocery store instead of formula or milk replacer from the feed store. We are always happy to help others and share our experience with other goat parents. Just message us if you have any questions.
Holly goat is still getting the hang of eating a bottle. This beautiful Mini Nubian doeling is only 36 hours old. Charlotte goat is a pro at bottle feeding since she is the oldest, most experienced at 5 days old. Hunter is going to eat the most. I can tell by the way he attacks his bottle at feeding time. Hunter and Holly's Mom has a ton of milk so we are milking her and feeding it to them since she refuses to nurse these adorable baby goats. The sad part is they have a sister who Mom adores and they will not know her for a while since they are part time house goats. We have been getting up every few hours feeding them through the night so they are sleeping in a small dog crate. I have to admit it's the cutest baby goat pile I have seen in a long time.