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Watch our family build our goat farm as we make a lifelong dream come true!
Max Boer Goats UCTT The Terminator
100% Abga Boer Buck
DOB: April 15, 2015
If you have followed our journey you know that Farmer Jason has always had a #goatcrush on Max Boer Goat UCTT The Terminator. We had the opportunity to purchase one of his sons but we could not get paperwork on him. This has bothered my husband for years. Then Vader, his son, sneaked to the doe pen and mated. Oh my, we had the most beautiful thick, wide, boer baby goats hitting the ground that could only be registered at 50% with the ABGA. We were excited to see such nice baby goats but sadden that we couldn't registered them at 100%.
When a friend reached out to us and asked if we were interested in owning the one and only, original, black tiger dappled we jumped at the chance to make Cotton Bean Boer Goat Farm home to this marvelous buck! We are so excited about this Massive, wide chested., Black and White tiger dappled buck.
He is about to get an entire pen of Boer Does to breed. We should have Max Boer goats Terminator babies being born in January of 2022. Stay tuned.....
Terminator's Grand - Baby Goats / Offspring

Teenage Terminator
We don't have many pictures of Max Boer Goats UTCC The Terminator as a young buck / buckling. Here are a few that I found. This Max Boer Goat is like a fine wine and gets better with age.
Terminator's Sire:
Max Boer Goats IMAX 3-D Ennobled
Abga 10472968

Max's Boer Goats announced the passing of Terminator's sire, Max Boer Goats IMAX 3-D Ennobled on 11/16/2017. Below is what they had to say about a goat that changed the Boer Industry and made tiger dappled genetics a must have in any boer herd.
The Boer Goat Industry has Lost one Its Greatest Colored Sires It is with Sadness We Announce the Passing of MAX Boer Goats IMAX 3-D **ENNOBLED**.This Buck impacted the Boer Goat Industry Like No Colored Sire Before Him,
He was the Game Changing Sire Who Proved Quality Spotted and Dappled Boers Could Be Competitive in the Show Ring, and that ABGA Ennoblement WAS Achievable with ONLY Spotted & Dappled Offspring. IMAX 3-D was Ennobled in 2011 at 2 years of age on 11/2/11.
Not Only Did He Prove that Spotted and Dappled Boers could be Competitive in the Show Ring, IMAX 3-D Demonstrated the True Merit of a Great Sire – Ennoblement Without Mass Production of Offspring by Artificial Reproductive Means, or Through Years of Collecting Show Points.
His Ennoblement was Completed the Hard Way, by Individual Show Points, and Show Points From ONLY Spotted & Dappled Offspring, Accumulated in One Show Season - Truly an Amazing Accomplishment.
IMAX 3-D’s Influence is Evidenced by Consistency in Quality, Performance, Production, and Color. His Legacy Will Continue To Live On!
**2009 Eastern National Livestock Boer Goat Show Junior Reserve Champion