Building our Goat Farm one day at a time!
Watch our family build our goat farm as we make a lifelong dream come true!
SKM Carolina Dream CB Luring Landon
Mini Nubian Buck & Herd Sire
Born: 5/23/2020, F6 / 6th Generation
I was looking to add a Mini Nubian Buck with good milk lines and stars to our herd in Mt. Pleasant, NC. I came across Landon and Saige just hours old and for sale. I immediately dug into the details of their genetics / pedigree of these adorable Black and White goats with sparkling blue eyes. I picked up the phone and placed a deposit. We went to meet this beautiful set of goat twins with Luring Blue eyes in Pageland, SC and played with them. We returned 5 days later to bring them home to join our family.
Saige and Landon were raised as bottle babies at Cotton Bean Goat Farms. They drank whole cows milk from a bottle and spent a lot of time with their human family. At a few weeks old they were allowed to stay in the pasture with the older goats during daylight hours. They would run to the fence when they herd us. We often brought them out during the day to hang out with us as we did chores around the farm. They love us and we love these twins!
Landon has a sweet personality and the most beautiful ice blue eyes I have seen. I am looking forward to what he will bring to our Mini Nubian herd in the next few years.
Landon's Pedigree:
Dam: Eddy Place Blue Diamond *P AMN05165
D Dam: Eddy Place Freida Sue Blue
D Sire: B-52's Maverick
Sire: Oak Springs Meadows BlueeyesofFoscoe MN07970
S Dam: Polk Stripe Farm Maggie Valley NC *P
S Sire: Ginger Top Farm Cadbury Blue
Meet The Dam & Sire of
SKM Carolina Dreams CB Luring Landon & Saige

Dam: Eddy’s Place Blue Diamond.*P.
Born 2/27/2014, F5, Blue Eyes
Let's talk about her Milk Production for a minute, 7.7% Butterfat and 5.1 Pounds of milk

This mini nubian doe easily earned her milk star for production in 2019
Sire's Dam:Polka Stripe Farm Maggie Valley NC *P
I wonder if Landon's white band comes from Dad, Foscoe? Dad has milk stars too!