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Giving Tree's Paint Me a da Vinci KC - F6
Mini Nubian Doe
Born: March 17, 2019
Update 3/19/2020: My KC kisses kidded today. It was the most stressful, happy day of my life. I sat outside of the goat shelter that she chose for around 12 hours before she finally decided to go into active labor. She did great and I was a nervous wreck. We have had over 200 baby goats on the farm but KC is my girl so you know what that means.....
KC (Kansas City) is our lovable and clingy F6 Mini Nubian Doeling. She is white with black / brown markings, a pink nose and lots of beautiful breed character. KC also has some beautiful moon spots and looks like she is wearing eyeliner, Did you notice she has 2 different colored horns? She entered this world on 3/17/19 with 2 buckling brothers. We picked her up 3 short days later and raised her as a bottle baby with 2 other doelings. She was raised inside and didn’t have very thick fur so she spent a lot of time in sweaters during the cold winter months. Farmer Jason,aka human Dad, picked her up and brought her home to our farm. When I returned home we immediately bonded. I think I have an umbilical cord attached to her. When we take our Mini Nubian Does out for walks through the farm she stays close to me. For a long time all of her pictures had my feet in them because she wouldn’t dare let me out of her sight! She is my smallest but youngest Mini Nubian Doe but she is still growing and maturing. I can’t wait to see what the next 6 months holds for my darling KC!
Why the name KC: I was traveling to Kansas City when she was born and I got her photos. She also looks like she has face paint like the old school rock band KISS so I often call her KC Kisses. She gives me kisses so it's very fitting for this beautiful F6 mini nubian doeling.
Fun Fact: KC loves to eat watermelon! I have the most adorable video of her chowing down on half of a watermelon! (KC just loves to eat!)
KC's Pedigree - See more Below
Dam: HHF LGE EH Fragrant Freesia AMN05260
D Dam: HHF LGE Daylilly Frills
D Sire: Green Gables Eclipse of the Heart *B
Sire: Knightwolf's Leonardo MN08975
S Dam: Sunflower Ranch's Tippy
KC's Dam / Mom, Freesia
KC's Sire / Dad, Leo
You can see where KC get her cute pink nose from. It is compliments of her Beautiful F5 Mini Nubian Doe / Mom, Daisy! Her legal name is HHF LGE EH Fragrant Freesia. Daisy's Dam and Sire are HHF LGE Daylily Frills x Green Gables Eclipse of the Heart. We are eternally grateful to Giving Tree Farm's for entrusting us with this beautiful Mini Nubian Doe!
This handsome, hunky F7 Mini Nubian Buck is her dad, Knightwolf's Leonardo, aka Leo! This is his Dam's, Sonflower Ranch’s Tippy, udder picture. Look at her milking genetics.!
KC's Extended Pedigree
Watch baby KC jump!
KC's Extended Pedigree
Dam: HHF LGE EH Fragrant Freesia AMN05260

Green Gables Eclipse of the Heart *B
Both Dam & Grand Dam have udders that are attached well and socked on tight. His Dam Produced 5lbs at her first freshening and peaked at 7lbs. Grand Dam gave 11 lbs.
Eclipse of the Heart Pedigree:
Dam: Green Gables B Pollyanna 3*P
D Dam: Echo Hill's Molly O'Malley 2 *P *V
D Sire: Green Gables EHJ Beethoven
Sire: Green Gables SS MoonBeam *B
S Dam: Green Gables USG Trillium 2*P
S Sire: +B Echo Hills Shining Star

Green Gables B Pollyanna 3*P
Polly has great confirmation and breed Character. She produced 5lbs at her first freshening and peaked at 7lbs. She also placed 1st in the 2 yr old milker class MDGA Fall V Show!
Molly has a beautiful udder and tons of milk. She gives 8lbs a day and 11 lbs at her peak. Her beautiful Mini Nubian goat udder is well attached and capacious with very easy to milk teats! Molly's Mom Patches has given 10lbs of milk in a day! She has a nice VIrtual Show record with the MDGA, as well.
Echo Hill's Molly O'Malley 2*P *V
(Freesia) Dam's Dam : HHF LGE EH Fragrant Freesia AMN05260

Freesia's Dam: Green Gables Milk n Honey Raision
It has been hard to find pictures on this mini nubian doe goat. She is a Green Gables girl so that should speak volumes.
I did find some information on her here.
Search for her name.
HHF Daylily Frills Pedigree:
Dam: Green Gables Milk n Honey Raisin
D Dam: Green Gables CG Misty 1*P
D Sire: Country Dreams Charlie Brown
Sire: Goat Feather Farm Romeo
S Dam: Winters Moon Oreo
S Sire: Winters Moon Snow Drift

Mini Nubian herd Queen Misty beautiful milking confirmation and a huge udder that gives tons of milk!
She had good ear control which our KC Kisses must have inherited from her Grand Dam.
She competed and placed in many MDGA Virtual Show's taking Grand Champion and Best in Show in 2009.

Charlie's Dam, Carey's Sweet Pea, has a large udder with tons of milk capacity. His paternal granddam gave 6lbs of milk per day. He has great ears and a wonderful roman nose. He likes to pass both of those traits along to his mini nubian goat babies.

Whispering Willow Legendsofthefall
Barn Name: Tristan
This beautiful Mini Nubian buck has milk and great breed character.
Whispering Willow's Pedigree:
Dam: Sunflower Ranch's Tippy See Below
D Dam:
D Sire:
Sire: Whispering Willow Legendsofthefall
S Dam: LuvEmAllAcres Starlet
S Sire: Goat Trails Princebootswiththefur

Sires Grand Dam:
Eddy Place Nola Mae Blue Udder

Sires Dam:
LuvEmAllAcres Starlet
KC's Extended Pedigree
Dad: Knightwolf's Leonardo
LuvEmAllAcres Starlet Pedigree:
Dam: Luv Em All Acres Snickers
D Dam:
D Sire:
Sire: Cornerstone Farm Esther
S Dam:
S Sire:
Sires Dam (Leo) : Sunflower Ranch's Tipy

Leo's Dam:
Sunflower Ranch's Tippy

Leo's Dam:
Sunflower Ranch's Tippy
Rear Udder Pic
Tippy is a MDGA F6 Purebred Mini Nubian Doe from Knightwolf farms. I don't have much information on her accomplishments or production.

Leo's Dam:
Sunflower Ranch's Tippy
F6 Mini Nubian Goat
Whispering Willow's Pedigree:
D Dam: Sunflower Ranch's Frank
D Sire: Sunflower Ranch's Emmy Lou
Sire: Whispering Willow Legendsofthefall
S Dam: See Above
S Sire: