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Porter - F6
MDGA Mini Nubian Buck
DOB: 1/15/19
Update 2021: Porter is all grown up and 0ffically a Mini Nubian Herd Sire.
I must say Poter loves his job as our Mini Nubian herd sire and lead buck! All the does love him back too. We have had so many nice, baby goats from this beautiful moon spotted, polled buck. He still gives me goofy looks and sneaks out if he can. Btw, he refuses to pay child support on all his kids.
July 23rd Update: Porter, Mini Nubian buck Houdini, has been moved to the Mini Nubian doe pen for the breeding season. Let's be honest he moved himself to the doe pasture here at Cotton Bean Goat farm. We are looking forward to more Porter baby goats in late 2020 / early 2021. We got a lot of spots and blue eyes from him earlier in the 2020 breeding / kidding season.
Porter is our handsome F6, blue eyed, moon spotted, polled mini Nubian buck! Not only does he have it all physically he also has a sweet, loving personality to match! I found this unicorn in Shreveport, Louisiana. I had him transported in which was a nightmare. This was my first transport experience and it was not a good one. I worried for days on end about him but he made it safe and healthy. We did our typical new to the farm goat protocol and after 6 to 8 weeks he was moved to the buck pen. This mini nubian buck loves his humans and the does! His personality reminds me of a bottle baby not a dam raised buckling.
This sweet mini nubian buck can usually be found getting into something that he shouldn’t. For instance, he likes to climb into the goat hay feeder. I think he prefers the hay feeder over the buck goat pasture! We have a boer billy who kept getting stuck in the hay feeder. We made the openings a little bigger and Porter quickly found he could climb in. He was also caught squeezing into the doe and doeling pen by forcing himself though the opening of a cattle panel. He also managed squeeze in between the fence and hay feeder! We need to fatten him up a little so he can’t squeeze into random places!
This mini nubian buck should have been named Houdini! Every farm has a Houdini and I am glad this buck is ours. Lucky, he loves treats and is very easy to handle.
Dam: Knightwolf's Got Some Fox Spots
Dam's Dam: B-52's Foxy Roxy
Dam: B-52's Call Me Maybe
Eddy Place Bobbie Jo
Sire: Eddy Place Firestone
SS: Eddy Place Sherman
SD: Eddy Place Frostie
Dam's Sire: Polka Stripe Farm Asheville
Dam: Awee Farm Not So Plain
Sire: Awee Farm Abraham
Dam: Awee Farm Precious Jewel
Sire: Bit O' Bliss Romeo
Sire: TDiamonds Ranch Gunney
Dam: Williams Family Ranch Hope
Sire: Westwind Acres Texas Willy Blue
Sire's Dam:s Westwind Acres Sandy
Sire: Green Gables Chesney
Sire's Sire: Eddy Place Baldy Blue
Sire: Eddy Place Cabro Loco Blue
Dam: Eddy Place Bobbie Jo

KC is giving Porter aka "Houdini " the eye for being in the Hay Feeder!
May 2020: Here are some updated pictures of our now grown F6 Moon Spotted Mini Nubian Buck. His blue eyes still stand out again his black fur.
This in your pocket Buck / boy has such a sweet and gently personality. He is also a little goofy!
Porter's Mini Nubian Sire & Dam

Dam: Knightwolf's Got some
Foxy Spots
Udder pictures of Porter's Dam AMN07281

Sire: Westwind Acres Texas Willy
Blue AMN06242p
Porter's beautiful Sire
who has a Milk *P

Grand Dam: B-52's Foxy Roxy
Foxy Spots Dam B-52 (Porter's Grand Dam)
Mini Nubian Doe's Udder