Building our Goat Farm one day at a time!
Watch our family build our goat farm as we make a lifelong dream come true!
Tales from the Goat Birthing Pen!

Emilee was one of our first goats here at Cotton Bean Goat Farm in Mt. Pleasant, NC. She is a Nubian goat and has a goofy personality. I love the name Emilee and it reminds me of my papa so I quickly gave her this name.
Fast Forward to 12/9: Emilee and 2 other does decided today would be a good day to give birth. She had a uncomplicated pregnancy and delivery. However, she would not let the baby goats nurse. We dealt with this the first time she kidded and decided we would not repeat her not allowing the baby goats to nurse. The first time she had a reason but not this time.
We got the most luxurious goat birthing suite we have here at Cotton Bean Farms ready for our new goat mom. We put her in with her twin Mini Nubian baby goats. She had a buffet of anything she wanted to eat and then it was time for the baby goats to nurse again. She immediately acted like they had the plague and ran. We promptly grabbed her and latched the babies on to nurse. Once they were latched she let them nurse. We got up every 2 hours for the first 48 hours and did this. I caught you Emilee! She was letting them nurse. She was curling up to them to keep them warm and being a wonderful goat mom. Sometimes it takes patience from us humans which isn’t easy with an hour worth of sleep but this makes it all worth it. “For the love of goats”!
Baby Goat gender reveal: Emilee gave us twin, unregistered, F1 Mini Nubians. She had a buckling /boy and a girl / doeling.
Update: She continues to nurse Ernie and he is growing like a weed. We had to bottle raise her first set of girls so when she decided to let us do that again I put the twins up for sale as bottle baby goats. We sold the little girl and continue to get updates on her. She is thriving and growing. She is also a very spoiled house goat!
Knightwolf's Porter is the sire!
He is moon spotted, blue eyed and polled.