Building our Goat Farm one day at a time!
Watch our family build our goat farm as we make a lifelong dream come true!
Tales from the Goat Birthing Pen!

Dottie, we don't practice Doe Code here!
We adopted Dottie and her family of boer goats in January 2020. Her twin daughters came to our goat farm with her and were about 9 months in age. She is such a good Nanny goat to her girls. They all still sleep together. We have our tiger dappled registered Boer Buck in the pasture in hopes of breeding some of our Boer does.Evidently Muffin Man and Dottie hit it off. I didn't actually see them date but I rarely see it.
Dottie is a sweet Boer Nanny who likes for you to rub her neck gently. Her twin girls are always close but they don't like attention as much. this boer is 3 years old and redish brown in color with beautiful Moon Spots or dapples.
Fast forward to Friday May 24, 2020: I admit I have been stalking her for the past 36 hours. Her bag increased in size and her baby goats dropped. She started walking like a little old lady and was laying around. She also started to hide! I found her in the woods with a beautiful brown buckling at her side. He was almost cleaned off and she had eaten his birthing sack. He was trying to stand and she was sweetly talking to him. I think I took a million pictures. About 30 minutes passed and she showed no signs of having another baby goat. I knew this couldn't be the only baby goat because she was huge! He wasn't a big boy, just average and perfect.
Dottie finally lays down and I see her push a few times. She gets up and boom here comes baby goat number 2. She is a beautiful dapples doeling. When she was first born she looked dark brown like her brother but once she started to dry we knew she was a keeper.
Another 20 minutes and this experienced Boer nany goat lays down pushed, stands up and deliver baby 3. Another beautiful spotted boer doeling.
This boer needed NO help from us and did a wonderful job. Look at these beautiful boer baby goats. We will be repeating this breeding.

Muffin Man is the twins Daddy / Goat Sire / Registered Boer Buck
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