Building our Goat Farm one day at a time!
Watch our family build our goat farm as we make a lifelong dream come true!
Tales from the Goat Birthing Pen!

We have been on Boer Baby Goat watch for some time here at Cotton Bean Goat Farm in the little town of Mt. Pleasant, NC. This girl just kept getting bigger and bigger. Our Daffy goat has been miserable for a while now. She keep showing signs of early labor and was just toying with our emotions. Fast forward to Friday, May 22.
I did a final check on her just before dark. She had eaten her grain at dinner but her ligaments were gone. Sometimes ligaments can come and go, so I tried not to get too excited. Often times a Nanny goat will skip grain before kidding.
I went to bed for a while and did a 4 am Daffy check. I was greeted by a set of almost dry set of twin boer goats. She has already passed her afterbirth and was standing talking to the darker colored one. The white one baby goat was laying down, curled up sleeping. I came in and changed out of my pj's, put on my muck boots, grabbed a towel and headed back out. She is a first time Mom and is doing great. You never know how a first time goat Mom is going to act. I'm so very thankful that her instincts were strong and she was able to clear the bag off of them. We have had some close calls this goat kidding season so we don't take anything for granted here at the goat farm. The miracle of baby goat birth never gets old. Every baby goat is a blessing.
We raised Daffy and Daisy as bottle babies here on the farm. We got them in December of 2018. They both kidded for the first time this year. Daffy is more shy than her sister. We can handle her but she doesn't like much attention. Often times goat Mom's will get friendlier when they kid. We will see what happens!