Building our Goat Farm one day at a time!
Watch our family build our goat farm as we make a lifelong dream come true!
Winter 2020 Baby Goats are here!
Bottle baby goats for sale
I am adding updated pictures of the goats to the main "Sale Barn" page!

Spetra and Porter's F1, Registered, twin, Mini Nubians!
DOB: 12/9/20
Baby Goat Info: If you are counting we had 3 Doe's kid today! I just added some updated pictures of these boys and they are absolutely stunning Mini Nubian. Look athe colors and one of them has beautiful blue eyes like his Dad. If you are thinking about adding a buck to your program we have 2 good candidates..
These are new born pics of our twin baby goats! We will be selling one of these bucklings as a bottle baby! Spectra will be raising on of these F1 Registered Mini Nubian until he is weaned. We like for our girls to raise their baby goats. I enjoy watching the bond between the Doe and goat kids. People could learn a lot from a goat. Please reach out if you would like some updated photo's. Our baby goats are minutes old in these pictures. Porter is polled and these baby goats may be as well. I didn't see or feel any horn swirls! I personally love that these boys inherited Porters beautiful frosted Mini Nubian ears. We are just starting our kidding season and will have more milk goats for sale. Keep in touch with us if we don't have the goat you looking for.

Daffy and Porter's F1, unregistered, twin boys, Mini Nubian Goats!
DOB: 12/9/20
Baby Goat Info: These are new born pics of our twin baby goats born just yesterday! One of these bucklings / boy goats is for sale as a bottle baby! Please reach out if you would like some updated photo's. Our baby goats are minutes old in these pictures. Mom Daffy is Boer/Mini Nubian and Dad, Porter is a registered F6 Mini Nubian herd sire! Do you see all the Moon spots on this baby goat? Cotton Bean Goat Farm is located in Mt. Pleasant, NC. We are just outside of Charlotte and Concord. We breed and sale goats!

Bama and Porter's F7, Registered, triplet, Mini Nubian Milk Goats!
DOB: 12/6/20
Baby Goat Info: We are offering both of Bama's F7 bucklings as bottle babies. The first born buckling has the cutest frosted ears. His body also looks like it is frosted. He was up walking within minutes of being born. His brother is black with some dark brown highlights. Both of these Mini Nubian milk goats are super sweet and for sale as bottle babies. They will come with an application for registration with MDGA.
As much as I hate to admit this I am in love with Bama's mini me doeling. I don't need any more baby goats here at the farm but she may just have to stay with me. It all started when I bottle fed this moon spotted little darling baby goat. She starts screaming for me as I entered the birthing pen and I fell in love!

Lucy Blue and Porter's F2, Registered, triplet, Mini Nubian Milk Goats!
Update: January 2021
Wow, these 2 Mini Nubian bucklings / boy baby goats that have lots of great color, moon spots and blue eyes! These boys will come with a registration application for MDGA. They have their does personality and are very loving. They are always to close to Mom. I can hold with a deposit until weaning in March. If you want to come meet them just message us!
DOB: 12/4/20
Baby Goat Info: We are offering both of Lucy Blue's F1 bucklings as bottle babies. Both of her boys have a ton of color. They are small just like a Mini Nubian should be. They are sweet just like their Mom and they enjoy going in spending time with our Grandson James. Okay that might be a stretch. Farmer Jason enjoys bringing them in so Baby James can visit with them without taking him into the goat pasture. If you would like some updated pictures or videos please call, text or email us and I will send you some. I hope to update these pictures over the weekend. It is so dark when I get home that I can't get out to take photos of our Mini Nubian baby goats.
Lucy has a beautiful brown baby girl goat that will be available at weaning.
We are open by appointment if you would like to come meet one of these beautiful baby goats in person. We typically dam raise our girls but we will hold them with a deposit until weaned.

Willow and Porter's F1, Non - registered, twin, Mini Nubian Milk Goats!
Update: The first 2 pictures of this blue eyed, Mini Nubian, Buckling, was taken on Jan 18th. He is still available and has a sweet loving personality. I can hold him with a deposit until weaning until March. If you are interested schedule an appointment to come meet him in person. You will not be disappointed. I have a deposit on the doeling from this breeding. She will be staying in NC.
DOB: 12/3/20
Baby Goat Info: We are offering Willow's twin boy, baby goat for sale as a bottle baby. His dad is Knightwolf's Porter. This boy has beautiful blue eyes just like his Dad. He also has his parent's sweet and loving personality.
Willow has a beautiful tri colored baby girl goat that will be available at weaning. Disclaimer: I do try not to fall in love with all the baby goats we have here at Cotton Bean Goat Farm.
We are open by appointment if you would like to come meet one of these beautiful baby goats in person. We typically dam raise our girls but we will hold them with a deposit until weaned.

Lilly and Mozart's F1, Non - registered, twin, Mini Nubian Milk Goats!
DOB: 12/2/20
Baby Goat Info: We are offering Lilly's twin boy, baby goat for sale as a bottle baby. His dad is our F5 Mini Nubian Buck, Mozart. Lilly is not registered so these baby goats can not be registered. He also has his parent's sweet and loving personality. Despite Dad having wonderful Mini Nubian ears they inherited Mom's cure Nigerian style ears!
Lilly has a beautiful tri colored baby girl goat that will be available at weaning. Disclaimer: I do try not to fall in love with all the baby goats we have here at Cotton Bean Goat Farm.
We are open by appointment if you would like to come meet one of these beautiful baby goats in person. We typically dam raise our girls but we will hold them with a deposit until weaned.

Lilith and Muffin aka Bad Bad Leroy Brown's, Registered, triplets!
DOB: 11/29/20
Lilith who is my favorite Boer Doe kicked off our 2020 Winter baby goat kidding season with triplets. This experienced Boer Doe delivered 2 beautiful traditional colored bucklings and a knock your socks off dappled brown doe. We feel so blessed. Muffy is a tiger dapple and tends to throw dark brown dappled baby goats. I am sure I have kept too many of his girls. This girl is a keeper too. She will be part of our breeding program.
We will be offering her buckling at weaning. If you would like updated pictures or a video just let me know. Mom was show goat who has some African bloodlines. She has that old school boer look. She is easily taking care of all 3 baby goats!
We are open by appointment if you would like to come meet one of these beautiful baby goats in person. We typically dam raise our girls but we will hold them with a deposit until weaned.