Building our Goat Farm one day at a time!
Watch our family build our goat farm as we make a lifelong dream come true!
Assessment of your Goat:
1. Always start by taking your goats temperature! The normal temperature range for a goat is 101.5 to 103.5
2. Check your goats Famacha score to ensure it is within a normal, healthy range(***Be aware a low or high temperature can alter your goats famacha score.***) 1 rRed - Best, 2 Good, 3 Something is going on, do fecal count, 4 Do Fecal and start anemic protocol, 5 White - Fatal
3. Observe and check your goat.
Can you hear a rumen sound? Is your goat chewing cud?
Is your goat peeing normally? If you are assessing a billy or buckling is the pee a strong steady stream or a dribble?
Are they pooping normal goat berries? If not what is the color and consistency of the goats poop?
Is your goat lethargic? How is your goat walking?
Is your goat grinding their teeth?
Is your goat showing signs of respiratory distress? Looks for signs of difficulty breathing, fast respiration's, acting agitated, etc.
Is your goat choking and/or coughing? Does your goat have eye and/or nasal discharge – if so, color and consistency?
Can you see visible bugs on skin (lice or ticks for example)?
Do they have scaly/crusty, flaky/dry skin, un-normal skin color (greyish or yellowish hue)?
Do you see abrasions or open wounds on your goat?
Is your goats eye twitching? Is your goat acting blind?
Did he/she eat something they shouldn’t have (plants, leaves, chicken feed, etc.)?
DENVER is napping!

Common Goat Issues and Needs:
Things we keep on hand just in case of a 2 am Goat Emergency! This has information on Wormers, Anemia treatments, Goat Antibiotic Medicine, Vitamins, goat pregnancy complication, wound care, etc.
Goat Emergency Labor / Pregnancy / Birthing Kit -Here you will find what we keep on hand for birthing season here at the goat farm.
Today, we saved a Baby Goat!