Building our Goat Farm one day at a time!
Watch our family build our goat farm as we make a lifelong dream come true!
One Nine Acres CB Ally
F6 MDGA Mini Nubian Doe
Ally is our beautiful F6 Mini Nubian Doe goat with crystal Blue Eyes. Her eyes are breath taking! When you see her you have to stare at them. She has beautiful tri colored markings, long frosted ears and comes from great milk lines. Her birthday is 3/9/19 and she has a buckling brother which we didn’t adopt. She is friendly and loves to be scratched! Her favorite snack is Fig Newton’s. She, KC and Bama were raised in the same crate by our fireplace during the cold months. They still snuggle and cuddle every day!
Why the name Ally?I already had Denver and KC so it only made since to name her Ally and her sister Bama. After all they are my Alabama Mini Nubian Does!
April 26, 2020 - Our Ally goat just kidded triplet Mini Nubian Baby goats. She had 2 beautiful bucklings and a doeling. Afterall, triplets do run in her genetic pool. Her Dam LuvEmAllAcres Thelma is know for having triplets. She is a rock star Moma goat. She has nursed triplets with ease. She is very attentive and somehow she keeps up with who has nursed.
One Nine Acres CB Ally's Pedigree - See more below
Dam: LuvEmAllAcres Thelma AMN04248
D Dam: Green Gables Gypsy AMN03363
D Sire: Sunshine Meadows Theodore
Sire: Goat Trails PrinceBootswiththeFur MN06152
S Dam: Eddy Place Nola Mae Blue
S Sire: Laz E Acre's Finley AMN03836
One Nine Acre's CB Bama Extended Pedigree
Dam: LuvEmAllAcres Thelma AMN04248

Ally's Dam
LuvEmAllAcres Thelma
Mini Nubian Doe
Thelma has nice attachments and is full of milk.
One Nine Acres CB Ally's Pedigree - See more below
Dam: LuvEmAllAcres Thelma AMN04248
D Dam: Green Gables Gypsy AMN03363
D Sire: Sunshine Meadows Theodore
Sire: Goat Trails PrinceBootswiththeFur
S Dam: Eddy Place Nola Mae Blue
S Sire: Laz E Acre's Finley AMN03836

Ally's Dams Sire:
Sunshine Acres Theodore
Mini Nubian Buck
I can see some of Ally in this buck!

Ally's Dams Dam:
Green Gable Gypsy
Mini Nubian Doe

Gypsy's Dam:
Jasmine FF Udder
Mini Nubian Doe